Common Home Security Mistakes

In this blog entry, the Daytona residential security hardware installation and Daytona commercial security experts here at Green Locksmith Daytona will detail the most common mistakes people regularly make regarding the security of their property.

Only Using Signs as Deterrents

Deterrents are an incredibly useful – and, in our opinion, crucial aspect of security layering. After all, why not deter criminals from even attempting crime in the first place? Deterrents have to be visible – otherwise they don’t really work, but signs that announce a property is being guarded by an alarm system or CCTV camera system are probably the most common form of deterrent. However, just these alone are not enough. Make sure to additionally have WORKING alarms and cameras, motion sensor lighting, and highly visible – yet inaccessible – real cameras (or mock cameras, with real cameras adequately installed discreetly) as well as the sign.

Security Monitoring

Video recordings are great for identifying criminals ater crimes occur, but live security that’s monitored in an internal security office or at an off-site security center are the best ways to prevent or stop crimes in real time. When paired with motion sensors and alarms, this is a fantastic security measure. However, you need to make sure that whoever is actually monitoring the security footage is professional and good at their job.

Loss Prevention

As echoed in the entry above, we cannot stress the value of preventative security measures enough. We recommend doing an overview of your existing security infrastructure and making sure that both live monitoring, after-crime information capture, and preventive deterrence features are all implemented in order to create a robust, thick, multi-layer security system.


It’s essential to ensure that keys or keycodes aren’t being indiscriminately handed out to strangers. If you have regular employee turnover or keys being lost, it can cause serious security issues in which keys are copied or rooms are entered by unauthorized and unscrupulous individuals. We recommend making sure there’s not too many master keys (and making sure there’s JUST ONE grandmaster key) at your property, and that passwords are regularly changed and updated on a consistent rolling basis to ensure that your property is secure.