Essential Lock Maintenance Tips

Regular lock maintenance and – when necessary – lock repair can drastically increase the lifespan and security value of locks of all types. In this blog entry, the lock repair service experts here at Green Locksmith Daytona will detail some useful actions home or business owners can take to make locks last longer. 

Ensure Doors are Properly Hung

Make sure that your door isn’t sagging, and is totally even inside your door frame. Improperly hung doors put great pressure on locks, which can degrade them over time. Properly hung doors don’t have uneven gaps or binding; the gap should be uniform across the whole side, and the gap at the top should be less than .25 inches. If you’re unsure if your door looks properly hung, consult an expert lock and key technician here at Green Locksmith Daytona.

Regular Lock Lubrication

Make sure to apply a dry lubricant to your door locks at least two times a year. Make sure to lubricate the interior of the lock using the key by moving it in and out of the lock a couple of times after lubricant is sprayed. Always remember to wipe off any excess lubricant after the process.

Lock Cleaning

Make sure to periodically clean your door locks with a damp rag and a mild detergent – NEVER use a chemical cleaner, a petroleum based cleaning solution, or an abrasive or exfoliating cleaner.

Copying Key Originals

If you want key copies, only copy the original key. This will ensure you have accurate duplicates, and minimize the chances of degrading the lock by using disrotted key copies.

Deadbolt Inspection

Make sure you can lock the deadbolt without pushing or pulling the doorknob. If you need to move the door to lock it with the deadbolt, it means the doorframe or the lock was not properly installed. The deadbolt should fully extend out into the doorframe when it’s locked. Contact Green Locksmith Daytona for expert deadbolt lock installation services.

Strike Plate and Screw Inspection

Make sure that the top hinge screws are long enough to fully secure the door to the frame on the wall. This minimizes the risk of sagging. We recommend installing at least 3 inch long – or longer – screws to each hinge for maximum security. Ensure the strike plate isn’t loose or wobbling – you can affix it with long screws as well. By maintaining your door locks with the above tips, you can ensure they last for many years to come.