5 Least Commonly Secured Items

In this blog entry, the residential security experts here at Green Locksmith Daytona will describe the 5 least commonly secured items in the home.


Jewelry should always be kept in a secure safe, but people often don’t do this. Jewelry is usually kept in unguarded and obvious jewelry boxes, which are fully out in the open and are often the first area that thieves look to target. We recommend further protecting jewelry by taking out a jewelry insurance policy.

Power Tools

Power tools are expensive but lack the same level of value sheen as other electronics, and thus are left unguarded in garages and sheds that often aren’t even protected with deadbolt locks. Sheds and garages should be protected with locks, and power tools should be kept in locked containers as well. Power tools should also be engraved with your name and number, making them easier to be received in the event of burglary or theft.


Medication can be resold on the black market. Pain medication is also dangerous to get in the hands of small children and pets. Medicine cabinets should be inaccessible to children, hidden from burglars, and even locked.


If you have a document with all of your passwords written down, make sure that it’s held in a strong safe (if it’s a physical document) or in a highly encrypted and password protected file folder if it’s a digital file. We recommend never writing your passwords or banking info down physically.

Other Important Documents

Documents like birth certificates, tax returns, passports, contracts, and other valuables should be protected inside fireproof safes. If you decide you no longer need any of these documents, shred them so they aren’t available to thieves who may even comb through the trash in order to find exactly this sort of thing.