Biometric Scanner Guide

Biometric scanners are a fantastic way to amp up the security of any commercial or institutional property. In this blog entry, the commercial security experts here at Green Locksmith Daytona will provide a brief guide to biometric scanner technology.

What’s more secure, biometric scanners, or passwords / keys?

Biometric scanners allow people to no longer have to worry about physical keys, or letter and number password combinations. Biometric scanners offer as much security as they are well implemented and used. This depends on how accurate the reading technology is – the more sensors are better. While code based systems are easy to implement. Key codes can be stolen and used by anyone who finds them – just like traditional keys. Biometric scanners, however, aren’t fully secure. Hackers can get fingerprints off glass or even create a photo of a person’s iris with a contact lens, or create a 3D printed wax hand. However, these hacking techniques were conducted in laboratories by experts, so the traditional burglar will have great issues trying to break into a property with biometric scanning locks.

What’s the most secure biometric scanning system?

The most secure biometric scanning systems are those that use two factor authentication – adding a fingerprint or retina scan along with smartphone credentials, an input code, or even behavioral systems like individually profiled gait, step length, or facial movements.

Should I be worried that biometric data fosters a privacy risk?

While some people are worried that their personal privacy is at risk due to biometric data of their person being captured, they can rest easy in the knowledge that this data is highly encrypted and kept on secure cloud servers. It’s rare – but not impossible – for this information to get compromised by a data breach.