Common Mistakes Made When Purchasing a Safe

Here’s a guide to the top mistakes people usually make when purchasing a safe, as prepared by the professional Daytona safe Opening Service and Daytona emergency locksmith service team here at Green Locksmith Daytona.

Ignoring Measurements

It’s essential to measure your home or office space before finding a safe that fits properly. If you don’t have the right measurements, after you purchase the safe you might find that it doesn’t fit where you need it to, or potentially have a gap that can assist criminals in breaking into it.

Ignoring Security Needs

Consider exactly what you need a safe for – whether you need to store crucial documents, protect belongings from the risk of fire or other serious disaster, have a gun or weapon you want to lock up, or want to store valuables like jewelry.

Purchasing the Cheapest Safe

It’s better to think about quality rather than cost when you purchase a safe. Cheap safes do exist on the market, but they are often poorly constructed, and far less secure than expensive ones. It’s better to invest your money on a quality safe that will actually provide you with robust protection.

Neglecting the Lock

Always check the lock quality on any safe that you’re considering buying. This is one of the most important aspects of keeping your safety functional. Many cheap safes have shoddy locks – ensure that this isn’t the case with yours.

Ignoring Extra Features

Many safes have unique extra features like keypads and fingerprint scanners that provide robust extra protection. Consider any other features you may want to consider when you’re choosing your safe, so that you have a better chance of receiving the security that you’re looking for.

Ignoring Weight

Robust safe weight is essential, since the safe might need to be moved at some point. If the safe is too heavy to move or install yourself, you might need extra help doing so, which is something to consider.

Ignoring Installation

It’s best to understand what will be necessary with your safe installation, and consider exactly what’s involved in the installation process, and if you need any extra materials to do so. We recommend having your safe professionally installed for a higher chance of successful security focused installation.

Ignoring Insurance and Warranty

Some insurance companies provide homeowner discounts for those who purchase safes approved by insurance, so it’s best to check this to potentially save money in the long run. Also, make sure to read the warranty before purchasing a safe so that you can better understand what exactly is covered in the event of malfunction or damage. Many companies offer good warranties that can cover any necessary repair or replacement if something goes wrong with your safe.